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Data Processing

Data Protection and Privacy Services

Data protection and privacy are fundamental concepts in today's digital world. They refer to the practices, regulations, and technologies put in place to safeguard individuals' personal data and ensure that it is handled appropriately by organizations.

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Data Protection Officer (DPO)

Dengan berlakunya UU no 27 Tahun 2022 tentang Perlindungan Data Pribadi (UU PDP), setiap perusahaan diwajibkan memiliki Data Protection Officer (DPO) atau Petugas Pelaksana Perlindungan Data Pribadi (PPDP).


Diperkirakan Indonesia memerlukan lebih dari 140.917 DPO/PPDP untuk memenuhi kebutuhan. Apakah Anda siap untuk mengambil peluang ini dan mempersiapkan diri dengan pelatihan DPO?


Ayo, segera daftarkan diri Anda untuk mengikuti pelatihan online dari Pandawalab dan menjadi seorang DPO yang kompeten. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini untuk menjawab kebutuhan besar akan DPO di Indonesia


Anchor 1

Secure Your Data to Protect Your Business

Your Data is your business "Heart". To Protect your data means to make sure your business grow bigger


 Helping organizations ensure compliance with regulations, mitigate risks, and protect sensitive data.

DevSecOps Assessment and Implementation

Support to implement Security inside DevOps Process and Aligning all DevSecOps components 

Penetration Testing and Red Teaming Operation

Test Your newly developed infrastructure and applications against security vulnerabilities 

Threat Intelligence and Managed Service

Broad security research can  support to improve detection and hunting for any unseen threats

Security Operation Center Managed Service

Provide real-time full - scope monitoring of your infrastructure and application assets to capture any security incidents

Anchor 2

Data Protection Officer

Video Materi pembahasan Tentang DPO

Unprecedented Velocity. Impeccable Reliability.

We provide unparalleled speed and unwavering reliability in safeguarding your cybersecurity. In an era where cyber threats evolve rapidly, we stand ready to deliver top-tier protection to ensure the security and reliability of your systems.


Continuously innovating at an unprecedented pace, we bring forth services you can rely on, allowing you to focus on your business without the worry of lurking cyber threats.

We Take Pride in Our Numbers


Years of Experience


Business Partners


Products Installed


Countries World Wide

Our Partners

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Does Your Application is Protected ? 

Most of Security Breach involved malwares and vulnerabilities on Applications and internal infrastructures. Exhaustive assessment of security controls and a well implemented of protection-monitoring-response  framework will reduce the risk of security breach.

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